

Sharing Life and Love is dedicated to anyone looking to move from lukewarm to ON FIRE for God or for anyone wanting to learn the basics of Christian living. We also serve anyone in Celebrate Recovery or those wanting to learn more about recovery. Remember, Celebrate Recovery is for anyone with a hurt, bad habit, or hang-up, and who is exempt from that?? ;) Check out our website content with FREE study guides and worksheets here: Check out our Bible studies here: Any additional questions can be sent to Michele at Sharing Life and Love (dot) com.

my bible binder cover
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Thought About Going to Bible College (FREE)???

If you've ever thought about going to Seminary School but never thought you could, you were wrong! Christian Leaders Institute (affiliate link) offers FREE degrees and flexible online, at-your-own-pace classes! It's a true game-changer! I have been attending CLI for a year, and let me tell you, it has changed my life! You can sign up for FREE, no obligations or spam emails. You could start by just taking a cool mini-class, too! If you've always wanted your Bachelor's degree, grab a hold of...

An open book with a cup on top of it

Yay! Tomorrow morning in our Facebook group, we start a FREE Bible Study - Discover Your Calling. You can follow along on our website. Each week, we will supply the week's study FREE! Ladies - Join us tomorrow at 10 AM CST in our FB Bible study group: Sharing Life and Love Bible Study Group. We have prizes, games, parties, and, of course, FREE Bible studies, etc., so please join us!! Grab new and improved free resources on our website - Sharing Life and Love. If you love what we do, please...

A small dog with a green bandana around its neck

Thank you so much to each and every person who prayed for us. My husband had a swift recovery, and I DID NOT get COVID!! God is so good and faithful. Praise the Lord!! <3 I just created a new printable for those of you in recovery or for anyone who would like to be. The printable is My Recovery Goals. It allows you to list your goals in recovery as you work to achieve them. Enjoy! Ladies - Join us in our Facebook Bible study group: Sharing Life and Love Bible Study Group. We have prizes,...

person sitting while reading book

I know many have had COVID-19, but this is our family's first experience with it. We'd love it if you'd pray for us. I get sick very easily, so prayers for a quick recovery for my husband and strength! Thanks! Ladies - Join us in our Facebook Bible study group: Sharing Life and Love Bible Study Group. We have prizes, games, parties, and, of course, FREE Bible studies, etc., so, come on board! Grab new and improved free resources on our website - Sharing Life and Love. If you love what we do,...

two women lying on hammock

Learn how to create a prayer binder with this complete guide: How to Make a Prayer Binder | 4 Easy Steps + Gorgeous Printables. There are so many FREE Prayer Binder printables that it's pretty amazing!! Ladies - Join us in our Facebook Bible study group: Sharing Life and Love Bible Study Group. We have prizes, games, parties, and, of course, FREE Bible studies, etc., so, what are you waiting for??? Grab new and improved free resources on our website - Sharing Life and Love. If you love what...

white and black printed paper beside white and black lego blocks

If you've ever wanted to know how to organize your Bible studies, you will love the Bible Study Binder! The article gives you free printable binder dividers to use to organize all of your Bible studies. Ladies - Join our Facebook Bible study group; here is the link: Sharing Life and Love Bible Study Group. We have prizes, games, parties, fun, and, of course, FREE Bible studies; we just gave away a Bible!!! Grab new and improved free resources on our website - Sharing Life and Love. If you...

stack white stones on seashore

Yes! Tomorrow morning in our group, we start a new FREE Bible Study - Abundance. You can grab your free copy of her Bible study on Darlene's website: Ladies - Join us tomorrow at 7 AM CST in our FB Bible study group: Sharing Life and Love Bible Study Group. We have prizes, games, parties, and, of course, FREE Bible studies, etc., so please join us!! Men - Just let us know if you are interested, as we are keeping a list of those who want to study...

greyscale photography of concrete stairways

Our latest recovery post JUST got published. Be sure to check it out, and grab the latest freebie - 31+ Unique Prayers for Recovery From Addiction + Free Printable! Hope you find it helpful!! :) Ladies - Join our Facebook Bible study group; here is the link: Sharing Life and Love Bible Study Group. We have prizes, games, parties, fun, and, of course, FREE Bible studies, so I hope you join us!! Grab new and improved free resources on our website - Sharing Life and Love. If you love what we do,...

Our newest addition to the Sharing Life and Love family (well, to the Kelsey family) is "Duchess." She is only a few pounds - a pretty small kitten, but she is very precious, loves to play and look adorable! If you'd like to get involved with animals, we have provided you with some articles on how to do that. I'll also add a free resource: A FREE Volunteer Binder. We also have other FREE goodies in the Shop! Ladies - Join our Facebook Bible study group; here is the link: Sharing Life and Love...

Want to level up your money with a budget makeover? This post will give you 3 easy steps with tons of free printables, including a FREE Bible study and journal that will challenge your thinking!! Ladies - Join our Facebook Bible study group; here is the link: Sharing Life and Love Bible Study Group. We have prizes, games, parties, fun, and, of course, FREE Bible studies, so I hope you give it a try!! Grab new and improved free resources on our website - Sharing Life and Love. If you love what...